What is this AGAIN?
apostle VICTOR james (Avj)
I was called and told a minister of the GOSPEL preached and said "You don't need the Holy Spirit to STUDY the Word of God", Jesus! What madness is this? How can any sane minister of the GOSPEL make any such statement? I am sure that minister spoke his head and not by the Spirit of God.
Jesus our SAVIOUR, the all knowing one, before leaving this world told His disciples in:
John 14:16
And I will pray the Father, and He shall GIVE YOU ANOTHER COMFORTER...
Nobody asked Jesus for another COMFORTER, but in His everlasting Wisdom He knew we will NEED a comforter. Question number one, who is this Comforter?
John 14:26
But the COMFORTER, which is the HOLY GHOST (SPIRIT)...
Jesus calls the COMFORTER the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the COMFORTING One the Father sent to us in the NAME of Jesus Christ in and for all things we may find ourselves, no matter the need.
Question number two: In what way do we really NEED the Holy Spirit to comfort us?
John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost...He shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS...
I don't think you need to go to Harvard university to know or understand this very clear and simple verse of Scripture. If you want to learn "in all things", anything, including the STUDY of the GOSPEL message (Word of God), you NEED the Holy Spirit.
Without the Holy Spirit of God, nothing about the Christian FAITH will make sense. That is why the carnal man cannot receive the THINGS of the Spirit, see:
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the NATURAL MAN receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS UNTO HIM: neither can he know them, because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned.
I have been SHOUTING and WARNING everyone about these so called ONLY "head-knowledge" teachers and preachers, they have no value for the things of the Spirit. They teach and talk as though all we are called to is head-knowledge of the word. This is why you see that they play down on the MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SPIRIT in their messages. All they do is Word, and no Spirit! They even teach, preach and say to their audience "you don't need any supernatural manifestations (signs, wonders or miracles) to show the power of the cross, just preach only". I beg you RUN for your lives from these kind of teachers or preachers, they are beginning to weaken the body of Christ. Those who were once walking effortlessly in the miracleous, by reason of teaching have lost the "courage and how to walk in the supernatural" all they do now is teach, and teach and teach, while the people we call "fake" are seriously and effectively evangelising the people through (negative) supernatural means.
Our commanding word or marching orders from Jesus, if you please, is "as you go, Preach, and as you preach or are preaching, if there is anyone sick, HEAL them, CLEANSE the leper, and RAISE the dead". Instead of these things, what do you see on social media, a group of BRAINWASHED young ministers who have NEVER witnessed a blind eye opened by the power of God. I fear for this next generation, I pray they will not be a generation that knows not the POWER of His RESURRECTION.
1Timothy 6:3-4
If any man TEACH otherwise, and CONSENT NOT TO WHOLESOME WORDS, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4 He is proud, knowing nothing...
STOP listening and Following "half baked" Gospel teachings. If the Gospel teaching you are hearing from a man of God is not the WHOLESOME WORDS, I beg you flee. That a man is on TV does not make him none HERETIC. Be like me, learn to stay away from MINISTERS WHO DO NOT CONSENT TO WHOLESOME WORDS.
I'm sure most of you can see that a lot is gone wrong with these guys in the name of teaching NEW revelation? If you therefore ever believe the "nonsense" said about you not needing the Holy Spirit in any area of your life, then I will say to you "you need your soul seriously examined if it's still of God".
As a born again Christian, from the moment you came into the Family of God THROUGH Faith IN Christ Jesus, you will NEVER stop NEEDING the HELP of the Holy Spirit, even unto the DAY of the Christ (RAPTURE).
As for me (Avj) I seriously OVER need the Help of the HOLY SPIRIT in every area of my Life.
2 Timothy 2:7
CONSIDER WHAT I SAY; and the Lord give thee UNDERSTANDING in all things.
The Rock Star
apostle VICTOR james
apostle VICTOR james (Avj)
I was called and told a minister of the GOSPEL preached and said "You don't need the Holy Spirit to STUDY the Word of God", Jesus! What madness is this? How can any sane minister of the GOSPEL make any such statement? I am sure that minister spoke his head and not by the Spirit of God.
Jesus our SAVIOUR, the all knowing one, before leaving this world told His disciples in:
John 14:16
And I will pray the Father, and He shall GIVE YOU ANOTHER COMFORTER...
Nobody asked Jesus for another COMFORTER, but in His everlasting Wisdom He knew we will NEED a comforter. Question number one, who is this Comforter?
John 14:26
But the COMFORTER, which is the HOLY GHOST (SPIRIT)...
Jesus calls the COMFORTER the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the COMFORTING One the Father sent to us in the NAME of Jesus Christ in and for all things we may find ourselves, no matter the need.
Question number two: In what way do we really NEED the Holy Spirit to comfort us?

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost...He shall TEACH YOU ALL THINGS...
I don't think you need to go to Harvard university to know or understand this very clear and simple verse of Scripture. If you want to learn "in all things", anything, including the STUDY of the GOSPEL message (Word of God), you NEED the Holy Spirit.
Without the Holy Spirit of God, nothing about the Christian FAITH will make sense. That is why the carnal man cannot receive the THINGS of the Spirit, see:
1 Corinthians 2:14
But the NATURAL MAN receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for THEY ARE FOOLISHNESS UNTO HIM: neither can he know them, because they are SPIRITUALLY discerned.
I have been SHOUTING and WARNING everyone about these so called ONLY "head-knowledge" teachers and preachers, they have no value for the things of the Spirit. They teach and talk as though all we are called to is head-knowledge of the word. This is why you see that they play down on the MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SPIRIT in their messages. All they do is Word, and no Spirit! They even teach, preach and say to their audience "you don't need any supernatural manifestations (signs, wonders or miracles) to show the power of the cross, just preach only". I beg you RUN for your lives from these kind of teachers or preachers, they are beginning to weaken the body of Christ. Those who were once walking effortlessly in the miracleous, by reason of teaching have lost the "courage and how to walk in the supernatural" all they do now is teach, and teach and teach, while the people we call "fake" are seriously and effectively evangelising the people through (negative) supernatural means.
Our commanding word or marching orders from Jesus, if you please, is "as you go, Preach, and as you preach or are preaching, if there is anyone sick, HEAL them, CLEANSE the leper, and RAISE the dead". Instead of these things, what do you see on social media, a group of BRAINWASHED young ministers who have NEVER witnessed a blind eye opened by the power of God. I fear for this next generation, I pray they will not be a generation that knows not the POWER of His RESURRECTION.
1Timothy 6:3-4
If any man TEACH otherwise, and CONSENT NOT TO WHOLESOME WORDS, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
4 He is proud, knowing nothing...
STOP listening and Following "half baked" Gospel teachings. If the Gospel teaching you are hearing from a man of God is not the WHOLESOME WORDS, I beg you flee. That a man is on TV does not make him none HERETIC. Be like me, learn to stay away from MINISTERS WHO DO NOT CONSENT TO WHOLESOME WORDS.
I'm sure most of you can see that a lot is gone wrong with these guys in the name of teaching NEW revelation? If you therefore ever believe the "nonsense" said about you not needing the Holy Spirit in any area of your life, then I will say to you "you need your soul seriously examined if it's still of God".
As a born again Christian, from the moment you came into the Family of God THROUGH Faith IN Christ Jesus, you will NEVER stop NEEDING the HELP of the Holy Spirit, even unto the DAY of the Christ (RAPTURE).
As for me (Avj) I seriously OVER need the Help of the HOLY SPIRIT in every area of my Life.
2 Timothy 2:7
CONSIDER WHAT I SAY; and the Lord give thee UNDERSTANDING in all things.
The Rock Star
apostle VICTOR james
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Thank you Jesus.