He said his message is not grace or prosperity neither is it sin, that God didn't sent anybody to preach sin but to preach Jesus, He said as you preach Jesus grace is released, as you preach Jesus prosperity is released and as you preach Jesus the habit that makes people misbehave will die, that it is wrong to preach sin to a sinner because they will feel condemned and the gospel is not meant to condemn but to give life. He quoted Romans 14:1 And said... don't respond to the gospel with argument but with agreement that anyone who is still arguing is weak in the faith (a baby in Christ).He said, the only name Satan understand and fear is the name of Jesus, learn to take advantage of the name of Jesus.
We are called by God to fellowship with his Son Jesus (1 Corinthians 1:9 ).
Our prayers are only answered because of the name of Jesus , The Bible said at the mention of Jesus every knee should bow this is the reason why the idea of praying to Mary is wrong, Mary never died for our salvation but Jesus, praying to Mary is the practice of idol worship..we that have believed don't pray to mary or Angels either, we commands angels and also have the power to judge them on the last day. A believer should not stoop low by allowing unbelievers to judge their matters because it is an error for darkness to judge light.
The devil is not the problem of a Christian but the Christian himself, human nature is always looking for someone to blame for their predicament, the devil is not powerful enough to touch a Christian believer, but if a believer is under Satan's oppression the believer allowed it through ignorance, negative confessions and disobedience to authority, The Bible said give no place to the devil, There is a knowing God want you to know because you cannot command what you don't know .
The devil knows you have been free from the law of sin and death including its consequences but he want to know if you knew what you are made of. The problem of a Christian is the right knowledge of Christ Jesus, As a believer in Christ Jesus you don't have to be lazy to study God's word, don't argue with the gospel of Christ but to accept it. Most Christians always want to do something to reach God fasting to get what they already have, they don't know they are in Christ and Christ is in them, which means we are the carriers of God's presence. Christians have refuse learn. Jesus said learn of me and you shall find rest unto your soul (Matthew 11:29, Even Satan goes to church to learn, the devil does not know your future he only have a clue anytime a prophecy is given to you, And prophecies does not stay with you it goes ahead to prepare it for you this is when the devil tries to discourage you from receiving (1 Timothy 1:18), a Christian should not be quiet a prophecy is revealed, we should keep thanking God ahead for the manifestation of the prophecy.
Remember Christianity is not a religion it is a lifestyle and this lifestyle is a life of thanksgiving. Remember it's all about Jesus.
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Thank you Jesus.