
DON'T GIVE UP - STAY POSITIVE & BELIEVING !!! Inspirational Gospel Quote

🏆 THE INDISPUTABLE GOSPEL OF JESUS IN THE BOOK OF GENESIS! 🏆 Advanced Teaching Ministry || inspirational gospel quote.

Moses a type of Jesus Christ _ ( inspirational gospel quote ) #Advanced Teaching Ministry

ISAAC SON OF ABRAHAM A "TYPE" OF JESUS CHRIST This post is to certify and authentic that fact that ALL that was written in the Old Testament was intentionally scripted and orchestrated to Point to JESUS and Him alone! ( inspirational gospel quote )#Advance Teaching Ministry

THE TYPOLOGY OF JONAH AND JESUS This post is to certify and authentic that fact that ALL that was written in the Old Testament was intentionally scripted and orchestrated to Point to JESUS and Him alone! John 5:39

Love comes first. (AdvancedTeachingMinistry)